Eat That Frog - By -Brian Tracy

THINK ON PAPER – Great Snippet from the book EAT THAT FROG by BRIAN TRACY

THINK ON PAPER – it’s a great snippet from the book EAT THAT FROG by Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy is a Canadian-American-Motivational-Speaker and has written many books on time management, productivity, goals, and procrastination. I am currently reading his EAT THAT FROG and I find it extremely helpful for effective time management and productive use of my time. I really recommend you to read the book. I am writing this post to share my thoughts on the phrase ‘THINK ON PAPER’ and review the book.

In this book Brian says, don’t just think in your MIND but think on PAPER. Since, if your plans/tasks are on your mind, then it is vague and will vanish soon. Instead, write down everything on paper, that is on your mind.

I tell you the benefits you have if you THINK ON PAPER,

1. It will force you to define exactly how many tasks you have and help you clarify what exactly you want.

2. Once you write it down, you will get a clear picture in front of you. You will be free from the pressure of remembering tasks that are to be done.

3. Now, with the clarity of a further road map you can prioritize your tasks, so you won’t end up working on the least important task first.

4. Once, the task is done, you can tick that task off from your list. This will have a great positive impact on your mind, and you will be energized to take on the next task on the list.

5. With a task list in your hand, you don’t have to think and waste time on which task to take next.

6. You are aware of the planned tasks in your bucket. Now with the new unplanned task request, you are in a position to re-schedule the task, delegate the task, or maybe say NO to that task.

I highly recommend you read the book EAT THAT FROG by BRIAN TRACY.

Here, is the link to the book EAT THAT FROG.

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