Importance of routine

Routine: What is it? Why is it difficult to develop it? Benefits of Having a Routine

What is routine?

ROUTINE: A Sequence of Actions Regularly Followed.

You may find that, initially, it is difficult to follow a routine. However, if you are consistent with your initial effort to create a routine then it will become your habit.

Why is it difficult to develop a routine initially?

When you do anything new, the neuro path is not there in your brain for the same. Therefore that task seems difficult.

Your regular consistent efforts will help create and strengthen a neuro path in your brain.

The more you follow the routine the same neuro path is followed in the brain.

Eventually, that will make your task easy.

The tough task is to just pass the friction of the initial days with consistent efforts, and then the routine is your habit.

Importance/benefits of having a routine

If you don’t know the importance of routine and don’t have one for yourself, then you are wasting a lot of your time during the day.

Routine can set a discipline to do things on time.

Without routine, you will always be in a dilemma about what to do next. Or worse when you do not feel like doing anything, you will give up and don’t work at all.

Without having a routine, you will struggle to do things in spite of having enough time. If you have less time, then you will not able to complete things in time, since you have no idea what to do and when to do it.

Here are some key benefits of having a routine

  1. The routine will help you keep going when things are not going the way you want them to go
  2. The routine will help you utilize your time well when you have all the time in the world. With the routine by your side, if you have less time, you will still be able to make the most of it.
  3. All daily necessary things will be completed on time with the routine, like exercise, household chores, etc.
  4. Your time will not be wasted, thinking about what to do next.
  5. The routine will keep you on autopilot mode, and you will keep on doing things one by one.
  6. With routine, you can plan your break in a better way, and your break duration will be under control.
  7. Your time and work will be under your control, with routine.

You can also read: 5 (Shocking) Disadvantages of Not Having a Routine For Yourself

Great books on routine. Here are the links:

I have some great books on routine, that I have read myself. Hope it helps.

Hope this post helps you in motivation to set your routine. Please share this post with your friends and family. Subscribe to this blog to get such productive articles straight into your inbox.

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