KEEP GOING – 10 WAYS TO STAY CREATIVE IN GOOD TIMES AND BAD – Book By AUSTIN KLEON: Book Summary and Book Recommendation. AUSTIN KLEON is the author of the books, SHOW YOUR WORK, KEEP GOING and STEAL LIKE an ARTIST. STEAL LIKE an ARTIST is loved by millions of readers and has become a bestseller.
You can read book summary of the book SHOW YOUR WORK here.

I really like AUSTIN KLEON’s creative way of writing and explaining a point. You will enjoy reading his books.
In this book, KEEP GOING, AUSTINE KLEON says “if you want to read a book about something, if such a book exists on the planet then get it and read it, if it does not exist then write the one“. He wrote this book because he wanted to read this.
This is a must-read book for people doing creative work. For people doing non-creative work, this book can give enough motivation for your bad days and even on good days. This book will provide a way to keep you going when it is a tough time, and there are so many obstacles on your way.
So let’s begin with the Book Summary of the book KEEP GOING.

Austin says, go day by day, since nothing is in our control, but the TODAY is the day that we have. He also says to establish a routine, since it will help you when you have less time and also help you when you have all the time and don’t let you waste it.
He says, making a list is such an important thing since then you will not waste your time thinking about what to do when you have less time or have a lot of time.
Every day is different, you may or may not get your success today, but start tomorrow with a clean slate. You never know that today’s failure might have some purpose in future.
If you feel motivated and tempted to read the book then get it from Amazon from this link: KEEP GOING
In this book, Austin Kleon says, you have to disconnect from the world for some time to get connected to yourself and your work. He says big NO to waking up to the news since it will create anxiety only.
He also says while you work put your phone on Airplane mode so you can connect better way with your work.
Saying NO to others is also not selfish, if they are interfering in your work routine.
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This may sound silly but very important. Because sometimes even without doing things we want a title. When we get the title for the task then we are yet to do then we never able to do it. Do things first then let others give the title according to the work you have done.
He also says your work should be your play, like kids. While kids play they are totally into the process and enjoying it. Kids do not attach themselves to the result of process. So they are happy and work is become play for them.
To keep yourself alive, you must have your hobby. Remember never rely on your hobby to make money for you. Otherwise it will no longer be your hobby. Protect your hobbies.
Do some thing for others, make something for others to whom you care, and gift it. Give somebody your time who needed it. Giving is such a great gesture, it makes you feel content, and gives happiness.
To create art, you need to pay extra attention to ordinary things. Slow down, since with lightning speed of yours, you can never notice ordinary things. Slow down and draw things. Your attention is precious, that is the reason everybody wants to steal it.
Art is supposed to make our life better. Art is hope. If someone reads your work and chose a life, then you are doing a good job. If things are going another way then it’s not an art.
After any decision, if you again need to change your mind then it is ok to do so because in the start we never knew what were are going to do or what can be the consequences. Half way, if you realize that this is not for you then you can defiantly change your mind, but before that do good thinking on it in your bliss station i.e in your mind.
Don’t always hang out with like-minded people since you will not learn any new thing. But consider like-hearted people who just don’t react to your thought but before doing that they understand your point of view then tell about it.
Read old books, since it has a solution to all our problems.
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Austin Kleon says in his book KEEP GOING, that KEEP YOUR TOOLS ORGANIZED AND MATERIAL MESSY. So while you work you don’t struggle in finding the right tools. But on the other hand, you like books laying everywhere at your work station can boost your creativity, then keep it that way.
Tidy Up when in doubt, since in doing so you might find old half done creative work that may interest you.
Take a nap in between to boost your creativity.
Austin says in a book that, Go out, and get fresh air everyday, since it will boost your creativity.
Do regular exercise since it is good for your mental, and spiritual well being.
Creativity is like a season, it can’t be same all the time. When there is correct time it will blossom. And other time you have to reflect on your work.
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Every body blossom on different time, you might blossom at age of 30 and be successful. I might be successful at age 40, so dont compare.
Plant seed of your work every day.
Every time whether it is bad or good, will pass.

The summary is never can be the replacement to read a book. This is just to motivate others to read the book. You can grab your copy of the book at:
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