Goals are very important and we must have some goals to keep progressing in life. I am sure, you must be having some goals or might have had some goals in the past. You might have achieved it or might have failed to achieve it due to some reason. You will agree with me that just setting a goal is not enough, but you have to achieve it too. Achieving a goal is not an easy task. To make this task bit easy I have derived some key steps that will help you achieve your goal faster.
Not sure WHY to set a GOAL for yourself, Then click here: 5 Reasons to set a goal for yourself to lead your way to success
Here are 7 simple steps that will help you to achieve your goals in 2023.
Your GOALS must be YOURS
This is the most essential step. Make sure that goal you chose to chase is come from your own desire. Don’t make others desire, your goal. Sometimes, what happens is someone else might have thought something for us, and we start thinking that, that is the only thing good for us and we should do it. Or we want to do something else but just because we can’t tell NO to parents or guardians, we make that goal as ours and start running in a direction to achieve it. Or sometimes just because of FOMO (fear of missing out), we chose to do something and make it our goal.
If you make others desire your goal, then it will go well for a few days. But after a few days, you will start feeling burdened by that GOAL and leave it halfway undone.
So when you chose something as your goal, clearly think first about it. Then ask yourself these questions.
- Is this the thing that YOU really want to achieve?
- Do you have a BURNING DESIRE to achieve it?
- Is this the thing, that you will be ENTHUSIASTIC enough to achieve if things will not go well in the journey to achieve that?
- Is this thing you WON’t REGRET spending your TIME on?
If you get YES as an answer to the above questions then only go for that goal.
Find Your WHY for your goal
Before you start working on your goal, first think of the reasons (WHY) for your goal. Understand WHY you want to achieve it. Make your WHY (reason for your goal) so clear and strong that your reason alone won’t let you move out of the way of your goal.
For everything we do, there is some reason behind it. We go to work, the reason is either we like work or we need money. The reason can be anything. Our reason motivates us to do things. So when we don’t feel like going to work, we think of the reasons, why should we go to work, then reason motivates us to do that.
Similarly when you decide your goal, then think of all possible reasons for your goal. So when there are tough days on your journey of goals, you recall those reasons and be on track with your goals.
Have MINDSET to achieve your goal
You must have a proper MINDSET to achieve your goal. Now, what is MINDSET? It means, mentally you should be ready to achieve your goals. You must have a burning desire to reach your goal. You must be determined enough to achieve your goal. If you don’t have the mindset to achieve your goal, then you will easily give up on your goal when the situation is tough or not in your favor.
Mindset will not develop automatically, you have to set it. To set a mindset, first, you must be very clear about what you want or what are your goals. Then feed your mind with some positive thoughts regularly that help you boost your confidence that you can achieve your goals. Reading a self-help book, affirmation and visualization are very useful in developing a mindset.
You will find so many useful nuggets in my book GOAL TO SUCCESS, that will help you develop your mindset, and help you achieve your goal. Click the link to GRAB the book: https://amzn.to/3GZi0nW
SURROUND yourself with PEOPLE Who UPLIFT you
Surround yourself with people who motivate you, and push you to do things towards your goal. In order to do so, make your friend, or one or two family members aware of your goal. So that you can discuss your progress or problems on your goal on a weekly or daily basis.
One more thing you can do if possible, that have a weekly meet-up with people who have the same goals as you. Trust me this will be a real game-changer. You can discuss your problems with them on a weekly basis and learn from their mistakes as well. This will keep you motivated for your goals.
Make A PLAN to achieve your goal (important steps to achieve a goal)
A goal alone is not enough. To achieve anything you need a proper plan. The plan will tell you your progress, whether you are behind, on track, or ahead in your goal journey. It will help you measure your progress. With your everyday progress on your plan, you will get constant motivation towards achieving your goal. So make a proper plan to achieve your goal.

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay
To make a detailed plan of the goal, you have to break it into small tasks, which together makes milestone. There can be two or more milestones for the goal. And these milestones will be further broken into small tasks.
Breaking your goal into small tasks and milestones will help you achieve it in a better way. With this, you can measure your progress very well. This will help you have better control over your goal.
How to make a detailed plan for your goal?
- Write your goal on paper
- Break your goal into a milestone
- Assign tasks to be achieved in that milestone
- Write dates in front of each milestone and each task
- Decide a time in a day when you will work on your task for the goal
Keep REVIEWING and REFLECTING on your plan
Now keep that paper near to you where you can see it every day and reflect on it. Writing and reflecting on your goal, milestones, and tasks, make an impact on a subconscious level. Writing and reflecting on your goals tell your mind, how important your goals are. Due to that, you will be more aware of the choices you make in a day. You will become aware of your time-spending habits. After that, you never waste any minute in your life and become dedicated to your goal.
You will get detailed methods to make an effective plan for your goal in my book GOAL TO SUCCESS. Click here to grab your copy: https://amzn.to/3GZi0nW
Make PROGRESS every day
Make small progress every day on your goal, which will keep you motivated towards your journey of achieving goals. Show up every day for your goal. Goals or big tasks are not going to be achieved in one go. It needs consistent efforts. There will be days that are good when you will be able to achieve what you have planned. But there will be days when you will not be feeling like working or things not going according to your plan. But in such tough times as well, you have to keep moving and making your progress bit by bit. That will help you make progress on a task and eventually make you reach your goal.
Little PROGRESS that you achieve everyday by working towards your target/goal, will give you a regular dose of motivation and boost your working; and eventually will help you in achieving your target/goal.
Achieve your little #PROGRESS everyday.
Poonam Bhatt
CELEBRATE your small milestone or wins
Now when you achieve your milestone mark it as done on paper. Celebrate that win by giving yourself a small gift or treat. This will give a positive impact on your mind and motivates you to achieve further tasks. It boosts your confidence level. So don’t miss this step. In addition to this, make your friends and family members aware of this small win. This way you will create a positive impact on your family member about your goal and they will gain confidence in you. This will eventually help you reach your goal.
If you want a detailed understanding of how can you achieve your goal then grab my book named GOAL TO SUCCESS from Amazon: https://amzn.to/3GZi0nW
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