
10 types of books kids love to read

10 types of books kids love to read, will provide you the best books for your kids to read. Kids like books with images, colors, and big fonts, etc. So without further delay let’s get started.

Board books or cloth books

If your child is 1 year old, then do give them some board books or cloth books. This is easy for them to hold, and kids of this age get very happy with watching colors and new objects.

Book with big font

This type of books will give kids ease to read.


Images go along with the story

Along with the story, if books have images, it helps kids to retain their interest and help them understand the story better.

Enough colors

Kids love to read books, if book is full of colors.

Books with some story related to Bus, Plane or Train journey

Since kids love the journey of train, bus or plane or any other vehicle, they going to love such books.

Book with 3D glasses

Kids nowadays already very familiar with 3D technology, through 3D movies, and they like it very much. You can get 3D books as well, in that you will get 3D images with glasses to see those images.

I got one such book on the solar system for my kid and my kid loved it so much that he kept looking at the sun and other planet images in 3D in that book. Later on, he asks me to read the content of that book so that he understands more about the solar system. With his interest taking further, he started to watch more and more about the solar system, its planets, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse and space, and many more things on youtube. So his screen time has become information gaining time. Before turning 5 yrs old, he already knew about what is big bang theory, how rockets are sent to space, what is there in the atmosphere of different planets like Mars, Venus, Jupiter, etc.

Cartoon character book

You can get a book with a child’s favorite cartoon. My son likes ‘Mickey Mouse’, and ‘Tom & Jerry’ a lot. So I have got many books with Mickey Mouse stories. Earlier, I used to read all stories to him, but now he tries to read them on his own.

Informative book

Since kids are very curious, they love to know about a lot of things. For my son, I have purchased many books that have information (with very good images) of our body, bones, muscles, mind, how gigantic machines like how train, tram, airplane works. He sees all images and tries to read the text (of course with my help on some difficult words).

Activity Book

Kids love to engage in different activities. For these reason activity books comes handy. I have purchased many different kinds of activity books that will engage him for at least an hour or more than that. Like math activity, English fun activity, or coloring activity that includes math work to get to know which color to apply.

Phonix book

There are so many books on phonix that too with a fun activity. These books help them understand the basics of the language in a fun way, and eventually, they will understand the language better and reading will become a fun activity for them.

With 10 types of books kids love to read, I tried to share types of books and their details that helped me to create a reading habit in my kid. It worked best for me. I am sure it works wonders for you too. I have also provided links to get those books throughout the article. If you like my article, please share it with your friends and family.

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